Blending a gentle but opening massage experience, with the mindful aspects of body scans and muscle releases to create a whole round release and rebalancing session. Perfect for the ultimate relaxation or to help deal with and release deeper blockages
This takes the manual release therapy a whole leap forward. Inspired by restorative and Yin yoga, how gentle encouraging posture and stretching can release so much more than the physical issues but often deeper trauma and emotional areas too. Mixing the gentle touch and postures, often with guided meditations and/or breathing exercises to help bring awareness to any blockages that may be found to work through and help process and release them.
As going through it once is enough, having to retell it over and over can often just highten it and not help it. While some people prefer to talk through trauma, others prefer a more gentler route in, allowing the experiences and the physiological aspects to be released first. The body itself is how the mind both interacts with the world and then also receives information from it. Often, when trauma happens though and the parasympathetic nervous systems starts to take over things can go a miss. This could be the bodies response of wanting to run aware, stand up for yourself, say how you feel, put your arms up to protect even. However, due to the situations these are unable to be completed and the action itself often gets store in limbo within certain areas of the body and the nerves. In responses various other symptoms and syndromes can play from that, including but not limited to. IBS, anxiety, Stress, emotional instability, pain, fatigue, and many more others too.
Often these events may not even be completely remembers especially if from many years ago.
Through the somatic aspects of the treatment the majority of the body will be worked on using very gentle vibrating and shaking massage movements to encourage the muscles and nerves to release and complete through releasing from the trapped traumatic loop. Throughout the session, if emotions come up or memories youre welcome to talk as they appear or instead wait to the end where bits can be spoken about too. There is a small consultation before hand as well but nothing too much as its getting you comfortable and going over the booking form or any further questions from it, giving maximum time for the treatment itself.
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